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by Han Group

Why Every Nonprofit Needs a Gift Acceptance Policy   

For nonprofits of all sizes, a clear and comprehensive gift acceptance policy is essential. It ensures that as the methods of giving continue to expand, the organization remains steadfast in its mission, efficient in its operations, and unwavering in its ethical standards.

As donors diversify their investments, so too do they diversify the ways in which they give. Following the remarkable increase in cryptocurrency donations, as reported by Fidelity Charitable’s 2022 Giving Report, it’s clear that the philanthropic landscape is diversifying rapidly. This includes not only digital currencies but also stocks, real estate, automobiles, and other non-cash assets.

As these alternative forms of donations gain traction, nonprofits across the board — from grassroots initiatives to multi-million dollar organizations — need to adapt. That’s why nonprofits need to develop a comprehensive gift acceptance policy, to ensure that they can embrace this shift while safeguarding their mission and values.

Pullquote: An established gift acceptance policy reinforces donor confidence, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability.

The Need for a Gift Acceptance Policy

In light of the expanding variety of donation types, a well-defined gift acceptance policy becomes indispensable for any nonprofit organization. Such a policy does more than delineate the forms of donations accepted; it lays the groundwork for ethical, legal, and mission-aligned donation management. Without clear guidelines, nonprofits risk confusion, potential legal entanglements, and misalignment with their core objectives.

An established gift acceptance policy reinforces donor confidence, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and accountability. It’s not only about welcoming new opportunities but also about protecting the organization and its beneficiaries from potential pitfalls associated with complex assets.

Key Components of a Gift Acceptance Policy

  • Mission Alignment: The cornerstone of any gift acceptance policy is its alignment with the organization’s mission. Every accepted donation should contribute towards furthering this mission, necessitating a policy that reflects and supports the nonprofit’s goals and ethical standards.
  • Clarity on Acceptable Gifts: Specificity is key. The policy should clearly state which assets are welcome and any restrictions on certain types of donations, such as real estate or cryptocurrencies. This clarity prevents misunderstandings and aligns donor offerings with the organization’s capacity and strategic direction.
  • Appraisal and Disposal Guidelines: For donations like stocks and real estate, the policy must detail how these gifts are appraised and whether they will be held or immediately liquidated. For cryptocurrencies, decisions on holding versus converting to cash should be outlined, considering the volatility and unique nature of digital assets.
  • Authorization for Acceptance: Clearly defining who within the organization has the authority to accept gifts ensures that donations are vetted and aligned with the nonprofit’s policies and mission. This could include board members, specific staff, or a designated committee.
  • Receipt Management: The policy should also specify how gifts are recorded, including the process for issuing tax receipts for non-cash donations. This aspect is crucial for ensuring compliance with tax laws and providing donors with the necessary documentation for their contributions.
  • Transparency: Nonprofits should make their gift acceptance policy publicly available on their website. Donors will appreciate the clarity and transparency as it will prevent any confusion as to what is and is not accepted.

As the landscape of charitable giving evolves, the importance of a robust gift acceptance policy has never been clearer for nonprofit organizations. Your organization’s gift acceptance policy is not simply a procedural document; it’s a testament to your nonprofit’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and mission alignment.

At Han Group, we help organizations set up their policies and also guide them from year to year to make any relevant updates. Please reach out to us if you would like to learn more!

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